Platforms and Installation
The following platforms are available:
- Silicon Graphics (IRIX, X-windows, OpenGL)
- Linux
- Windows NT, 2000, XP, etc.
- Apple Mac Os X (X11, OpenGl for graphics).
- Newer versions of some platforms require 64-bit applications!
Moloc requires a 3-button mouse and an OpenGL-capable graphics board.
3-d stereo is provided whenever the graphics board has this capability.
Obtaining corresponding drivers (Linux) may not always be straightforward.
A convenient option is a board from the NVIDIA Quadro product line.
Unfortunately, not all of Apple's graphics drivers can handle the needed
set of OpenGl graphics calls at present. For some newer Mac models this
can severely hamper operation, up to making the program unusable!
Install SGI version (Silicon Graphics)
(see also hints)
- Download compressed moloc.tar.Z file
[jul-2017]. Last SGI-version! (No development hardware available any more)
- Uncompress file: 'uncompress moloc.tar.Z'
- 'tar -xvf moloc.tar' generates directory 'moloc' with
subdirectories 'bin', 'dat', 'www'.
- Get licence codes for your machines
- Generate system number with command: sysinfo -s
- Determine IP-address of the machine from file /etc/hosts
- Mail this data to
Paul Gerber
for the generation of licence codes.
- Licence codes (also for test installations) are returned upon receipt
of a completed and signed
licence agreement form.
- Put licence codes into a file called moloc/bin/.licence
- Start the program moloc/bin/Moloc, preferentially with a full-path alias.
- Download compressed moloc.tar.gz file
[aug-2022 or later], 32-bit version.
- or download compressed
moloc64.tar.gz file [aug-2022 or later], 64-bit version.
- Unzip file: 'gunzip moloc.tar.gz'
- 'tar -xvf moloc.tar' generates directory 'moloc' with
subdirectories 'bin', 'dat', 'www'.
- Get licence codes for your machines
- Determine MAC address of your PC by issuing the command:
'/sbin/ifconfig -a'. The output from this command contains
a 12-digit hexadecimal number (in groups of two digits, separated by colons)
on the line starting with: 'eth0 ...'.
- Mail this number (or the whole line) to
Paul Gerber
for the generation of licence codes.
- Licence codes (also for test installations) are returned upon receipt
of a completed and signed
licence agreement form.
- Put licence codes into a file called moloc/bin/.licence
- Start the program moloc/bin/Moloc, preferentially with a full-path alias.
- Download zipped file
[aug-2022 or later], 32-bit version.
- Download zipped file
[aug-2022 or later], 64-bit version.
- Extract this file with 'WinZip' into a folder where you want Moloc
to reside (e.g. c:\apps. Avoid paths with blank characters!).
This generates a folder 'moloc' with three subfolders 'bin', 'dat', 'www'.
- Get licence codes for your machines
- Determine MAC address of your PC by issuing the command:
'net config workstation' ('getmac' for Windows XP) in a MS-DOS prompt window.
The output from this command contains a 12-digit hexadecimal number
(in parentheses)
on the line starting with: 'Workstation active on ...'.
- An alternative way to obtain the MAC address is to select:
Start - Programs - RT Administrative Tools - Windows NT Diagnostics.
In the appearing window select Network and Transports.
- Mail this number to
Paul Gerber
for the generation of licence codes.
- Licence codes (also for test installations) are returned upon receipt
of a completed and signed
licence agreement form.
- Put licence codes into a file called moloc\bin\key.licence. It should
reside in the same directory as the .exe files!
- For startup customizations see
Installation Hints.
- Download compressed iMoloc.tar.gz file
(Intel processor) [aug-2022 or later]
- Download compressed oMoloc.tar.gz file
(macOS Catalina, or later) [aug-2022 or later]
- Download compressed gMoloc.tar.gz file
(G processor) [aug-2022 or later]
- Unzip the file: 'gunzip xMoloc.tar.gz' (x = i, or g). This step may be
automatically performed by Mac's internet browser 'Safari'.
- 'tar -xvf xMoloc.tar' generates directory 'moloc' with
subdirectories 'bin', 'dat', 'www'.
- Get licence codes for your machines
- Determine MAC address of your PC by issuing the command:
'/sbin/ifconfig -en0'. The output from this command contains
a 12-digit hexadecimal number (in groups of two digits, separated by colons)
on the line starting with: 'ether ...'.
- Mail this number (or the whole line) to
Paul Gerber
for the generation of licence codes.
- Licence codes (also for test installations) are returned upon receipt
of a completed and signed
licence agreement form.
- Put licence codes into a file called moloc/bin/.licence
- Start the program moloc/bin/Moloc in a xterm shell,
preferentially with a full-path alias.
Documentation (html) is found on the home page moloc/www/home.html.
The first four sections of the Manual contain the basic instructions
to run the program.